Friday, March 4, 2011

Class Members Get Connected with Cathy!

When I pulled into my driveway after class on Tuesday I was greeted by this lovely little butterfly.  I felt it was a divine appointment since our Connecting the Dot magnet had a butterfly on it.  He put on a delightful show. Thank you God for the lovely hug!

I've got Good News and Bad News. 
That was a powerful story ,Cathy told us on Tuesday, it stuck with me.  The encouragement to spread the Good News of Jesus as we go about our day hit home.  Thursday morning my husband and I went to see our Estate Lawyer.  We had a few things we wanted to update.  As he greeted us he seemed distracted and very nervous.  My husband and I sat down in front of his desk and he began to tell us how he had discovered he had a heart problem. The problem had been resolved with a visit to the hospital but now they had him on some medication and one of the side effects was sudden death.
He was obviously quite nervous, even scared, so I asked him, (remembering Cathy's encouragement to share our Saviour when the opportunity presented itself), do you know where you are going if you something happens to you?

He said, "Oh yes", "I'm going to Good Sam"!  I said, no, I mean if you had sudden death and you died, do you know where you are going?  His eyes got big and round and he said, "Oh"!!  "I think I will go to heaven, I'm a good person...Now let's get to your paperwork"!! 

I didn't get very far, but I do know I planted a seed.  I plan to follow up with a book about heaven and a track on how to get there.  Even though it was risky, I did feel like I did the right thing.  So, if you get the chance, don't fear, share, let God do the rest.  Thank you Cathy for that encouragement.


I asked Cathy to send me some pictures of her and her man, Bobby.  So here they are.  They don't need much explanation, you can see the love in their eyes.  They are so adorable, thank you Cathy. 

As promised these dogs are Adorable!
There is a reason Dog is God spelled backwards.
Dogs are a mirror reflection of God's love for us.


Sue Iverson's Annie
Her hobbies include:  Eating, sleeping, playing, ... and stealing socks!

Rachael's loved pups:
Archie and Bailee.


Patti Merritt shared her
two Schnauzers,
Rosie and Fritz.

If only I could be the person my dog thinks I am!

Have a great weekend.  Thank you ladies who volunteered to stay after class next week and help me with some Magnet Dots.  If you didn't volunteer but want to help just plan to stay after class on March 8th.  No knowledge needed.  Just willingness to help!  Thank you, Meribeth

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