Saturday, March 12, 2011


Don't we have a great class?  It goes by so fast... we never seem to get everything done.  It's the old saying, time flies when your having fun. Or is it time flys when your having fun.  Either way we are HAVING FUN!

Wasn't it great to learn that God's plan can NEVER be thwarted.  And HIS plan is very complicated, yet simple, based on God, yet benefits man, explicitly revealed, yet a veiled get the picture.  I'm always amazed as Cathy reveals the scripture in a new and fresh way.  I learn so much and yet I'm left feeling uneducated.  I relate to Peter and John in  Acts 4:13 uneducated and untrained....yet when I spend time with Jesus I am filled with His confidence.

Some of the ladies stayed after class to help me finish the Magnet Dots and we got soooo much done.  It was a flurry of hands, scissors, glue, crowns, hummingbirds, pearls, crosses, suckers, magnets, and shiny silver things.  Thank you ladies, you will receive your reward in the heavenlies.  I promise!!  I'm basing that on God's word.

Look at this Parade on Pets. 
They say if you have a pet you will live longer, be happier, healthier, stay married longer and have lower blood pressure.  So if you don't have a pet it's not to late to bring one home. 

 MYNA WRITES: Here is a picture of our 6 month old puppy, Lucy, whom we’ve had for only 3 months. She is a Shorkie (Shiatsu / Yorkie mix).  She has such a sweet personality and loves every person and dog she meets. We live in a 2ND floor condo but she mastered the steps immediately and even makes her way down to the door to bark and let us know when she needs “outside”.  Her favorite toy is a monkey that makes an exact monkey sound Lucy knows how to bite is so it squeals over and over and over . . . sometimes we deliberately hide it to get some quiet. 

Chloe doesn't have a dog at her house but she has a bed mate when she goes to visit her grand children every couple of months.  Her name is Lily she is a Welsh Corgi Penbrooke.  Lily has no tail, can you imagine? She likes to cuddle with Chloe and is kind enough to keep Chloe warm when she visits California.

Look at this darling
Pooky Boo!!
Oh My Gosh!

JOYCE TRIPPE WRITES: Boo is a Maltese, 8 years old, everyone thinks she is a puppy.  Boo has an independent nature, but loves to be close to us at all times. We are so thankful for her and feel she was a gift to us from God. Pooky Boo teaches us faithfulness, unconditional love, and she brings joy to our hearts. We call her Boo, but my Husband nicknamed her Pooky Boo. The most important part is how much Love she brings to our hearts and to one another. Thank You Jesus, for your creation of the animal kingdom. Amen!

Jenny and Rosemary
I love a good cat story and Yvonne has a great one.  Jenny and Rosemary were best friends, they hung out together everyday, cuddled together, meowed together and loved each other.  When Jenny died a few years ago Rosemary was very sad.  Jenny was cremated and her ashes were put into an urn and brought home.  Yvonne placed the urn in her bedroom, she was grieving the loss but so was Rosemary.  Rosemary didn't leave Jenny's side for three weeks, yep, she sat by the ashes, purring, trilling and doing her kitty cat thing.  Even now when she is having a bad day she will go and spend time with Jenny's ashes. 

See you Tuesday, Meribeth

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